Professor Ian Metcalfe obtained his first degree in chemical engineering from Imperial College where he was awarded the Hinchley Medal. He then performed his graduate study at Princeton University obtaining his MA in 1984 and his PhD in 1987. He returned to the UK to take up a position as a Lecturer and later Senior Lecturer at Imperial College. In 1997 he was appointed to the Chair of Chemical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh and in 2001 he became Professor of Chemical Engineering at UMIST. In 2005 he moved to Newcastle University as the Professor of Chemical Engineering.
Ian is a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) in 2012. He has held both an Esso Centenary Education Award (1989) and an ICI Fellowship (1993). Whilst at Imperial College he received the Imperial College Award for Excellence in Teaching (1996). He has held a European Research Council Advanced Grant and was as director of the virtual UK membrane centre (EPSRC – SynFabFun). He currently holds an RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies and is a co-director of the H2FC Supergen and centre for advanced materials, CAM-IES. He has authored a text book on chemical reaction engineering which has sold 10 000 copies and has published more than 150 refereed research articles. He has supervised more than 50 PhD students.
His research is in the area of the thermodynamics of chemical conversion with an emphasis on energy processes. He has a particular interest in membrane processes, solid-gas reactions and the application of solid state ion-conductivity.
Researcher Co-Investigator
Dr Evangelos Papaioannou (M, PhD 2007) is a lecturer in Chemical Engineering at Newcastle University. He currently established his own research group and he is one of the founding members of the ‘Materials, Concepts and Reaction Engineering’ group within the School of Engineering headed by Prof. I. Metcalfe. His research interests lie in the areas of heterogeneous catalysis/electrochemistry and high temperature gas separations using ion conducting membranes and chemical looping systems. His research is focused in particular on the development, characterisation and kinetic testing of micro/nano-structured supported materials and their interaction with the support for sustainable energy applications. EP has led and coordinated as research collaborator several EPSRC and EU research grants. He has published 17 peer-reviewed papers and one patent (PCT/GB2018/052492) and has an h-index of 9. EP has supervised and co-supervised over 10 PhD students in the area of materials, chemistry and separation processes and acted as a PhD internal examiner.